Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Global Warming On Climate Change - 1012 Words

The study of the distribution of weather over periods of time is called climate change. This period of time may be more than a decade of length. To perform studies on climate change is very important for increasing yields and for insuring the crops for the farmers of the modern day. These studies were used historically too and have helped the agricultural community to grow crops over the same land decade after decade. At present the earth’s average temperature continues to increase. One reason for this is Global warming. There are many negative effects of global warming which include; icecaps melting, warming of the earth’s atmosphere. Human activities do contribute to climate changes in the Earth’s atmosphere in the amounts of aerosols, greenhouse gases, and cloudiness. The biggest known contribution comes from the burning of fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Human impacts on climate during our current era far exceed that due to the known changes in natural processes like volcanic eruptions and solar changes. Activities by humans result in the emission of four primary greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and water vapor. Each of these gases accumulates in our atmosphere, which results in concentrations that increase over time. Water vapor is the most prevalent greenhouse gas and works as a climatic feedback. As the Earth’s atmosphere warms water vapor increases, however at the same time the possibility of precipitation andShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Its Effect On Climate Change Essay1362 Words   |  6 PagesThe global warming is a controversial and debated topic, but it is no surprise to most people. When we think about our future, we only think about our personal life effects and benefits. Global warming is also an important and troubling situation going on the planet earth. 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Global warming is also known as climate change or the greenhouse effect. The main cause of global warming is too much carbon dioxide being contained in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, however, absorbs he at and then warms the planet. Many of the things we do on a daily basis worsens global warmingRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects On Climate Change Essay1826 Words   |  8 PagesIt is no secret that the magnificent glaciers that cover this earth are facing negative repercussions due to climate change. Pratima Pandey verifies this statement in her article by stating that â€Å"it is the climate that is the driving force controlling the mass balance of a glacier in space and time, resulting in the recession and advancement of a glacier,† (Pandey, par. 1). The earth is getting warmer, and this means that soon, glaciers will start to disappear. While the earth naturally producesRead MoreThe Long Term Effects Of Global Warming And Climate Change878 Words   |  4 Pageseffecting mankind. Everything from racism, to world poverty, and even radicalize terrorism just to name a few. But outside of the scientific world, many of us fail to understand the long-term effects that glo bal warming and climate change could have on us throughout the world. After observing the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, I truly did not take into account personally, how important this whole concept is. But after taking this class and researching further and further into the topic, I now understand

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