Friday, May 15, 2020

Glorifying the Age of Reason - 572 Words

THE AGE OF REASON The age of reason is a period in time in which the idea of reasoning things out was glorified. This period is also known as â€Å"The Enlightenment†, it started around the mid 1600’s and ended at around the end of the 1700’s. Never before had questioning things and acquiring solutions for ourselves as individuals been so popular. This age resulted in major advancements in mathematics, science, even in political views and other subjects. This period is a concoction of different minds that contributed towards the creation of various new ideas, some which were radical for its time. There are two guys that are considered to be the fathers of The Enlightenment, they were Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes. Francis Bacon believed that he could free the ignorant mind of plebs with science, and with science they would be able to become more productive and also live better lives. But to discard of ignorance that was so widespread at his time is not easy, s o he had to come up with a way for people to figure things out. These two really set up the method for everyone else to figure things out and this method is known as the Scientific Method. Isaac Newton, another great thinker/mathematician/physicist of The Enlightenment took the ideas of Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes and took them beyond imagination. He created a branch of math called calculus and also the laws of gravity and the laws of motion. Other subjects prospered around this time as well such as chemistry andShow MoreRelatedCultural Appropriation : Chill.1476 Words   |  6 Pagesbut to those around us, to be educated on matters like this. Above all, we owe it to our generation to be knowledgeable on the true negative impacts that cultural appropriation has had and can continue to have on our current and future generations. 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