Monday, June 8, 2020

An Introduction to Why Writer Essay

An Introduction to Why Writer EssayMany writers seem to be confused by the question: 'Why Writer Essay?'. They then proceed to seek answers for it without really understanding the question itself.The reason why this is so is because the question itself does not make any sense. Why? To explain, we need to go deeper into the question: What is the question all about?The purpose of a writer is to get his message across to the reader. That is, the writer is there to communicate with his readers. So why do writers do it in the first place? Why is there a writer essay?A writer should always try to communicate with his readers in the first place. This is the only way that they can make their writings acceptable to their readers. The way in which a writer's writing should be is by writing what he thinks and feeling, and putting it out into the world in the hope that it can reach as many people as possible.However, the writer's job is not complete if he cannot also reach his target audience. B ut how is that possible? It is only possible when the writer explains himself clearly to his readers. In other words, if a writer writes what he feels but does not put it out into the world in a clear and coherent manner, how will he ever reach the people that he has written for?Another way a writer can make it easy for him to reach out to the people that he has written for is to give an outline of what the entire story or plot is all about. He is required to write an outline so that he does not forget anything. Then again, the writer can revise the whole thing and take the basic idea of the story and rearrange it so that it fits better with what he originally had in mind.Finally, the purpose of a writer's job is to be entertaining and to entertain the reader. To be entertaining, he has to write something that will keep the reader's attention for a long time. Otherwise, the reader will surely lose interest in reading the piece and will most likely never return to it again.If a write r becomes too complicated or as an over-complicated writer, the readers may easily get bored with him and that would mean that no one will return to his writing or visit his website. So, a writer needs to write something that he believes in but also that will keep the reader's attention and that will keep them glued to the website. To be entertaining, he has to ensure that he is writing something that the reader will want to read and will want to get hold of his book or his website.

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